Monday, November 16, 2009


Great wallpaper, Do you like "NEW YAMAHA JUPITER Z 2010"? that"s mean you like F1.
yamaha launches new variants of skubek yamaha jupiter z 2010, this bike was once with the motor diferent jupiter z from previous yamaha jupiter z. because the product yamaha jupiter z 2010 , yamaha create a new engine for yamaha jupiter z 2010 it. in terms of the motor body is made different from the previous jupiter motor. This engine had a capacity of 115 cc if not wrong. about the specifications of this bike I do not know. but this is obviously different motor yamaha jupiter z long. features of yamaha jupiter z 2010 is more sophisticated compared with the previous jupiter motor.
new yamaha jupiter z 2010
yamaha jupiter z 2010
mesin yamaha jupiter z 2010
machine yamaha jupiter z 2010
bedah blok mesin yamaha jupiterz 2010
machine blok yamaha jupiter z 2010

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